The onion market on new crop from Mexico is starting to clean up and there is a little movement on the market but for the most part it is stable. Texas onions have started this week and they are demanding a slightly higher price than the Mexican […]
Read moreProduce Report–4/16
It appears that the potato and onion market my have become more stable. While we are not sure why potatoes have been slow moving lately they seem to have picked up some the last day or two. Next week might be a bit quite because it is […]
Read moreONION UPDATE–4/9/14
The onion market is in shambles. Mexico has sent a heavy supply over the boarder and this has caused the market to take significant drops. South Texas (Mexican onions) have dropped for over $10 this past week. The early Mexican crop should be finishing this week but […]
Read moreProduce Update–4/4
The potato market is steady but we are finding some items more difficult to purchase. 60’s & 70’s have tightened up and this could cause some price increases. Consumers seem steady as we are starting to get business for Easter Holiday. Please book early as supplies can […]
Read moreOnion Update–4/2/14
The Onion Market is slipping back some because of more volume in South Texas. With the advent of the southern Mexican growing region coming on it has put some pressure on the market. It appears that this will continue for about two more weeks and then the […]
Read moreProduce Update–3/28/14
Look for increased onion volume coming over the border next week. This may cause some pressure on the onion market. While we have had some shippers finish for the season in the Northwest we still have good volume coming out of there. We would urge some caution […]
Read moreProduce Update–3/26/14
Potatoes seem to be about steady. Shippers with contracts and/or extensive relations with volume customers seem to have adequate business and are firm on their prices. Those that do not are more flexible. This is partly do to consistent quality and/or supply. We are finally getting more […]
Read moreProduce update-3/21/14
This has been a bit of a strange week. Business in general has been on the slow side but many shippers have either slowed down or quit for the season. Because of that, next week may show some changes. Many potato shippers are slowing down because of […]
Read morePRODUCE UPDATE–3/19/14
Well, things seemed to have calmed somewhat this week. Demand has stabilized on both potatoes and onions and markets seem to be more stable as well. Several shippers have slowed down somewhat because they are concerned about running out of potatoes earlier than they would like. 40 […]
Read moreProduce Update–3/14/14
First, Potatoes are steady. Some shippers are slowing down to allow the market to stabilize. This is keeping the market steady. We expect this to continue through the next two weeks or until the demand starts to pick up. The onion market is anything but steady. There […]
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